The Behaviour of Wine Consumers in Java-Bali (Indonesian Viz)


Note: This post is best viewed on desktop.


Back in May, someone told me about a questionnaire that focuses on the demographic composition, behaviour, and sentiments of wine consumers in Java and Bali. I found this topic to be interesting and challenged myself to present the findings in a way that makes the best use of the respondents’ answers. Since the questionnaire and responses were written in Indonesian, I decided to create a viz in Indonesian (a first!)

Findings from the Viz

  • More than half of the respondents enjoy consuming red wine, followed by white wine (45.8%), with the preferred price range between Rp 200,000 to Rp 400,000 per bottle
  • Respondents don’t seem to have brand loyalty towards a certain brand and focuses on taste more than price when purchasing wine
  • Respondents often purchase wines made in Australia, Indonesia, and France
  • 90% of respondents have tried wines made in Indonesia (local wines), whilst more than 70% have purchased local wines before
  • Majority still prefers imported over local wines, with ‘quality’ and ‘taste’ highlighted as the main areas of improvement


Main Workbook

I aim to keep the visualisation clean and simple by using bar and tree charts, although I tried experimenting using modified butterfly charts to visualise the correspondent’s sentiment regarding local wine, wine knowledge, and perception regarding wine for the final two dashboards of the workbook below.

I initially used Tableau Prep to clean and transform the data. However, I found the cleansing process to be challenging due to the open-ended nature of some of the more important questions, such as favourite wine brands and consumer opinions regarding local wines. As these two questions focus on words and phrases, I decided to separate them from the main workbook and generate word clouds on Tableau Desktop.

Word Clouds

The viz below is a word cloud generated from the respondents’ answers regarding their favourite wine brands. Do you recognise some of these brands?

The final viz focuses on the first thing that comes to mind when respondents think about ‘local wines’. The top five phrases are: ‘Cheap’, ‘Want to try’, ‘Affordable’, ‘Hatten Wines’ (a Balinese winery established in 1994), and ‘Bali’. Despite majority preferring imported wines over local wines, a handful of respondents seem to have a generally positive outlook towards local wines.